May 8, 2017

This morning we left in the rain (remember the red mud) for our first day of workshops at the Children Safe Children’s Home in Bweya.  It was about a 15 minute drive from the William’s.  The 17 persons that we taught were a mixture of...

May 7, 2017

This morning we worshipped at New Jerusalem Church, which is a short walk down the hill from the William’s house.  Because of the big rain we had during the night, the path was way too muddy ( red dirt! ) to traverse, instead we took the van.   The...

May 6, 2017

This has been a day to get over jet lag, and to get organized for our time here.  Godfrey came over in the afternoon to go over what Carla and Dale will be teaching and where and when.  This evening we went with Bert (the perfect host) to pick up Nancy at...

May 3-4-5, 2017

Traveling the long road to Uganda.     Made it to Kampala! Chillin’ with Bert Williams (and Magoo), our host, on his front porch.   Nancy returns tomorrow from a women’s retreat in South Africa.    Edited with BlogPad...

April 24, 2017

10 Day countdown to Uganda!Edited with BlogPad Pro