Jul 23, 2016
This morning we are ready to start the first leg of our journey home – a three hour trip to the airport. As always, we are sad to leave the friends we’ve made, but ready to get back to our normal routines. It has been a very good week!...
Jul 22, 2016
It is Friday, our fifth and last day of teacher training. We have had a good week! Today, after an hour of Dale presenting “Peacemakers” materials and lots of discussion, the teachers worked on and did their final presentations. Late...
Jul 21, 2016
Fourth day of teacher training. We have been without city power for about 18 hours, and our electricity has been coming from the mission compound generator. About 3 am the generator ran out of gas and all went quiet. We still had running water and were...
Jul 20, 2016
Third day of teacher training. Lots of time spent answering questions today. Good questions. The afternoon spent working on individual projects to show their understanding of what they’ve been taught. The are supposed to plan a unit to use in...
Jul 19, 2016
Second day of teacher training and all is going well. The teachers seem to be grasping what is being taught and even getting a little rambunctious at times. Some great questions being asked, also. It as encouraging to see how much they want to bring...
Jul 18, 2016
Today is the first day of our 5-day teacher training. We have 22 teachers, including the school principal. Other than a couple power outages and the printer not working well, the first day is going good. When the power goes out, we have to open...
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