We arrived in Cusco around 7 am . We had a very uneventful, smooth trip, thanks to all the prayers on our behalf. It was a long night in the Lima airport They stay open all night, restaurants & stores, and there are people sleeping on the floor and in the seats in the gate area. About 4 am the very modern airport becomes a bustling place full of travelers.
We had breakfast and long naps and are taking it easy for our first day here at 11,000 feet. This afternoon we took a quick tour of the orphanage, Josephine House, and the new building that will soon house the children. The scenery here is beautiful – many similarities to the mountains of Colorado, but at the same time quite different.
Internet has not been reliable, but I promise some pictures tomorrow. It’s already almost noon on Thursday as I get ready to post this. I have been dealing, myself, with altitude sickness this morning while Carla and Dale are doing great and have been in a meeting with Keith all morning discussing and drafting a plan for making the presentations to the churches regarding starting Christian schools.