Today was full of adventure – for Dale. He was invited to drive the chase car (truck) for a group of men ( missionaries) that were having a “guy’s day out” motorcycle ride to the Sacred Valley. Thankfully, they all came back alive. Dale says words cannot describe the awesome beauty of the scenery he saw today.
In this picture – but not in this order: Keith and his son Brian, Bill Yarborough, Scott Dillon, Mark Daniels
Dale with a Quetchua pastor and a villager that rode up in the chase truck with him. They live in a village that is at 13,500 feet.
Andean traffic jam.
Sheep grazing near Inca ruins.
Cusco from a hill above the city.
While the guys were out on their adventure, Carla and I spent few hours this afternoon with some missionary wives, chatting and eating fresh cinnamon rolls with fresh brewed lattes.
Carla, Joan, Rachel, Meagan, Heather, Brooke
A rainbow over Cusco