This has been a very busy day! The parent workshop again had a very good turnout. Dale spent an hour afterwards talking with parents who wanted advice on their individual situations. These sessions have been very well received, and Dale gets to do the workshop one more time tomorrow night for parents in the churches. That will be tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 7.

Parent workshop from the back of the room.
Mid-morning, we headed back up the hill to the school so Carla and Dale could finish their teacher interviews. It was a warm day and I, frankly, was having a hard time keeping my eyes open! But it was fun just walking around the school watching the children. We have felt so loved on by the whole staff at Escuela New Horizon Christiano. After school today they invited us to stay for an afternoon meal and brought in some very delicioso food. We had a great time of fellowship around the table and an interesting discussion about the recent election in the USA.

Thank you sign from the teachers
Several of the teachers couldn’t stay for the meal because they weren’t there today or had to be somewhere else after school.

A selection of three kinds of Taco filling
We left the school around 4 and went to visit a family of former ENHC teachers, good friends of both Ellen and Carla and the school. The visit was primarily to see a new three-week old baby!

Sandra with baby Bruno