It has been a long but good day for our last day at Children Safe. Dale spoke all day using the “Peacemakers” materials. Dale has created a Power Point presentation for these materials, and after every slide, what he taught was re-taught in Luganda, the native language. Even though all our students speak and understand English, the manager of Children Safe wanted it explained in their native toungue to make sure they were grasping what was being taught. He felt the material was espescially important for the teachers to understand completely.
We were thanked over and over for coming to Uganda to share with them. We have thouroughly enjoyed working with this group and never will forget their joy of singing.
Dale with Moses, the manager of Children Safe.
Godfrey explaining the materials in Luganda:
A group photo at the end of our day: (does not include everybody!)
More of the children at the orphanage:
The one on the right, the son of one of the teachers.
The lawnmower: