We all are back on U.S. soil!
After a three-day delay in getting out of Haiti, we left Ennery at 6:30 am yesterday and arrived at the Port Au Prince airport by 11:00 a.m. We cannot express how grateful we are for so many prayers on our behalf. While we never were in any danger, we still had the stress of the unknown – how will we ever get home? And our hosts Esaie and Natacha had the huge responsibility of making sure we were secured and knowing just when it would be safe to travel and take us to the airport.
We left our hotel, admittedly with some fears about what was ahead, but our trip to Port Au Prince went very smooth. About an hour into our trip Esaie got a call that the biggest and most dangerous roadblock was open! We drove through at least a hundred roadblocks, some with just enough room to pass through and many almost cleaned up. The people were out in the markets and walking along the roads as usual, and in the town where the largest roadblocks were, men were sweeping up the gravel and broken glass for several miles.
There are so many ways we could list how we saw the hand of God protecting us over the past few days.
”Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD! Psalms 117