Another nice day in Uganda after a night of pouring rain. We all went in different directions today. Quentin is up at New Hope and Carla and Dale were on the ABU campus meeting with seniors about the possibility of them taking our online PTEC program and starting other study centers in Uganda. They also went over to the nearby Quality Shopping Center to get some printing done for our trainings in Lira this week.

I got to spend the day with my friend Olga and her children, finally getting to see her after being here over a week already. I was dropped off on Dale and Nancy’s way to ABU at a petrol station on Entebbe Road. Olga had parked across the road and a little way up the muddy hill to her house.

First, she needed to pick up a few things at the open markets. So after getting across the busy road, Olga led me through the muddy (sloppy, thick red clay mud) paths to the dairy store for milk and then to a couple fruit vendors for some fresh produce. And then we trudged back up the muddy road to her car. I am SO thankful I made it through without slipping!

I did have a wonderful day with my friend and her sweet children. She made me a delicious lunch of stir fried pork and fried potatoes, I spent time playing with the kids, I showed her how to use her sewing machine and we made a doll dress and a pillow.

Time to pack again for the next four days. We will be traveling to Lira tomorrow for some more teacher training.