This morning we woke up again to pouring rain! Dale and I were scheduled to leave at 7:00 am for the 30 minute trip to Entebbe Presbyterian Church where he was preaching at the 7:30 and 10:45 services. A long story, but because of the rain, Sam our driver was not able to get here until after 7:30. We left late, and since it was raining we knew church attendance would be slim until the rain stopped, so getting there at 8 am worked out well.

For the first few miles of our ride to church, we saw a lot of flooding and people’s businesses and huts (homes) had taken on lots of water. We had not ever seen it this bad!

We arrived at 8 am and the service got underway. Dale did a good job preaching on Psalm 101, and had a really good translator, Elder Ronald, at the second service. They also received new members at both services.

After church we needed to wait for Bert to pick us up, and Milton, the pastor, invited us into his office for a light meal ( rice, beef in gravy and matoke) where we also had the joy of listening to the testimony of a young man from the Congo who is attending Westminster Seminary and will be doing a pastor internship at the EPC. He was raised Seventh Day A. But when he studied Romans and came to the conviction that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ , not by works (I.e. keeping the Sabbath), he left the SDA church and was disowned by his family.

Bert soon arrived to pick us up, along with Carla and Quentin. They had gone to church at New City Community Church where Bert had preached and they had had an elder installation. That service had also gone well except that they had no power at ABU this morning, and there was a leak in the ceiling right over where Bert had to stand at the pulpit.

We went on to Victoria Mall for a meal at Cafe Java. We are now resting for the rest of this Lord’s Day.