Today (Thursday, 18th), we began three days of teacher training at Faith Junior School in Kayunga, which is about an hour outside of Kampala. The school goes from kindergarten to fifth grade, which they are adding this year. The school has nine teachers and about 150 students.
Nancy began today’s training by leading the teachers in an energetic singing of “Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory.” Then Quentin had the teachers read Psalm 78:1-4, and he introduced the idea that, as Christian teachers, we have a Biblical mandate to tell the coming generation about God and what He has done. Next, Carla helped the teachers examine and apply a biblically-informed instructional framework based on creation-fall-redemption-consummation to what they teach. In the afternoon, Quentin helped the teachers apply this framework to language and communication.
No PowerPoint slides for us today since there is no electricity in the village. So, what did we do? We “flipped charted” our way through the day. It was a good day, but not an easy day. We were challenged a bit and had to be rather creative and adjust our approach along the way.

For lunch, the pastor’s wife prepared a feast! We all agreed her version of the traditional Ugandan favorites beat some of the best restaurants in Kampala! Best of the day: Matoke with G-nut sauce (a type of peanut sauce). YUM!

Lots of cute children around today. This one’s natural curiosity in God’s creation caught my eye.

This little one was completely taken with Quentin.

More tomorrow about Pastor Joseph and his church. Exciting!,