We are enjoying the view from the front terrace at the Eby’s beautiful home (with several guest apartments). They have been most gracious hosts to us and a number of other visitors. They have fed us well! And helped to take us to and from the ARTS campus. We are thankful to be settled in one place (and unpacked!) for the next two weeks.

From Carla: My class at ARTS is going well, but planning for and teaching one group of students six hours a day for five days is a LOT of WORK! The three students are a delight to teach and have quickly become good friends. They know the Bible well, are eager participants in all I ask them to do, and ask really good questions that often get us going down rabbit trails — but they are usually really good rabbit trails! Pray our teaching and discussion times, including the rabbit trails, will benefit all, for the glory of God. Two of the students are pastors with oversight of Christian education in their church, including Christian schools. One is an online student with PS-TEP, part of the Cohort 4 Study Team. She is auditing this course to help her better lead a large Sunday school program

After class on Tuesday, we had a late lunch with the Cohort 2 Study Team to encourage them to persevere. They asked for prayer to figure out the best way forward for the group since they all have busy schedules. It was so good to finally meet them in person!!

After class on Wednesday, we are meeting with a few Cohort 4 Study Team members who could not meet with us last Saturday. Busy week!!