Biblical Integration in Education Workshop in Addis Ababa

We completed our first workshop for teachers in Addis Ababa today. We planned for 40 but ended up having 28 teachers attend. Perhaps this was because today was a school day, and not all those invited could get permission to attend. The group we had was interested in what we shared with them, and although they needed some of our teaching translated, by the end of the day, they were able to demonstrate a basic understanding of how to integrate a simple science lesson with a biblical worldview in lively group presentations (below).

One of the best outcomes of the day was that our two young translators, Deborah (pictured above) and
Absalat, applied to study with PS78-TEP/MINTS-Ethiopia before the workshop ended and invited us to visit their school on Monday to help them recruit and to learn more about the ministry of PS78Teachers (future missionaries?!).

Quentin and Solomon took the teachers on a mini tour of the PS78-TEP website, answered their questions about the program, and challenged them to take the next step and join us!

Our delicious lunch today!
We ended today with a pastor praying with great passion that God would change the educational system in Ethiopia. He prayed for wisdom and courage to integrate faith with education in Christian schools and for the expansion of Christian schools across Ethiopia. The emotion in the room as he prayed made it clear that the educational system in their country is a serious concern for these teachers!

It was a good day! Thanks for your prayers! Please re-up the same prayer request from yesterday for tomorrow’s “repeat” Foundations workshop with teachers in Hawassa. We leave for the airport around 5:30 AM, returning to Addis Ababa on Monday and jumping right into a school visit that afternoon.