Biblical Integration in Education Workshop in
Sheger (Written Thursday, February 20)

We appreciate your prayers for us as God continues to guide us on this ministry trip. We were disappointed when we learned that the biblical integration in education workshop planned for Adama on Wednesday was canceled. But God knew what He was doing as we needed the day to recover, and he opened the door for another workshop in Sheger, a town west of Adidas Ababa. Our workshop was held in a meeting room at a small hotel, and 22 people from 10 schools attended.

This group was one of our most engaged groups. Several of the teachers spoke English fluently and were eager to answer questions and share their thoughts with us. They seemed to quickly pick up on the concept of a Christian worldview and how to apply it to what they are doing in their classrooms. After the workshop, we talked further with a lady named Taiga Dado (pictured below). She has started three schools, including one for special needs students. She tries to integrate her faith with everything that she does at these schools — and, hopefully, she is a good candidate for our program. Pray that God will work in the lives of these teachers and draw those that he chooses to join the PS78 Teacher Education Program.

Solomon, once again, was such a great interpreter for us; he was even able to keep up with Carla’s wild hand motions.

And for the best part of the day, we had the opportunity to visit Solomon’s home and meet his beautiful wife and three handsome sons! What a privilege it has been to work with this brother in Christ. Please continue to pray God would bless Solomon’s efforts to grow the Addis Covenant Theological Seminary (ACTS).

Afterward, we drove through the glittering downtown of Addis and returned to our home base, Hotel Tirar. We settled accounts and packed up our things so we would be ready to head to the airport Friday night the minute we returned from a day of teaching in Ambo, a city 2-3 hours west of Addis. One more day!