September 19

  Some more thoughts from yesterday . . .   The school has 320 students enrolled this year. . Below, Dale, Esaie and I on the pre-school veranda.  I think he was trying to recall names from a team ( from Village Seven PCA in Colorado Springs) who had...

September 18

  We arrived in Haiti on time, very smooth travel.   Even getting through immigration was a breeze, except we had to pay a $10 tourist fee each that we didn’t know about ahead of time.   Getting through the airport was an overwhelming experience...

September 17

Haiti today via Miami – At the airport 4:30 am. ?Edited with BlogPad Pro

September 8

Spent our last full day in Cusco working on the Josephine House.  Dale and I actually laid a whole room of flooring together, without any tense moments.? This afternoon we helped Keith get a start on the front porch.  It was a good day of hard work!...

September 6

Today we visited our third and final church where Dale preached .  The service was followed by a sandwich lunch and a time of presenting our PS78Teachers information.  Again the question/answer session was a great encouragement to us, and we are excited...