July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017

Our last full day in Haiti and the last day of teacher training!  We appreciate all the prayers for our week, God has certainly blessed us! The good news- last night was the first night that the power stayed on all night since we’ve been here.  The bad news- it...

July 20, 2017

Today the temperature outside is supposed to be in the high 90’s, but we realize those back home are also experiencing very warm weather, so we won’t complain. The teachers started the day singing this song, which is a good reminder of the precious hope we...

July 19, 2017

Another day of teacher training has begun.  And the power just went off again ?.   The day always starts with a familiar hymn (in French) and prayer led by Esaie.  Then Dale does an hour of Peacemaker before Carla does her training.  Attendance by...

July 18, 2017

Today is the second day of teacher training and all is going well, although we have been having real issues with consistant electric power.  As a matter of fact, we have spent more hours since we got here on generator power rather than the local power – the...
July 17, 2017

July 17, 2017

Finally got a chance to blog – between church services, prep work for our course, setting up the classroom, we have been very busy, not to mention the power/internet outages we are experiencing. Yesterday, the morning Sunday School and church services started on...

July 15, 2017

It has been a long day- up at 3 am, through the Pittsburgh TSA, breakfast, and in the air by 7:05 am.   Our connection in Miami went smoothly, and we made it to our gate for Port au Prince just as they were starting to board.  We were on that plane for over...