Sep 13, 2018
Safely arrived in Bogota last night, about 40 minutes ahead of schedule. However, we used that extra time up, first by a bus shuttle ride from the airplane to the terminal which took 20 minutes, and then by standing in a long line at immigration which took another 30...
Sep 11, 2018
On our way to Bogota, Columbia
Jul 9, 2018
We are still here in Haiti, “sheltering in place” as we’ve been told, and we are so grateful for the place we are staying put, it could have been much worse. Psalm 121 assures us of God’s watch care over us. We have internet access, one U.S....
Jul 8, 2018
Well, we thought we were headed home today, but it is not going to happen. We woke up this morning, knowing there was some unrest in Haiti and not realizing the extent until we got notified one-by-one that our flights have been cancelled. The major road blocks were in...
Jul 6, 2018
Out fifth and last day of teacher training. This morning Carla started the day by reading a children’s book, “The Runaway Bunny,” to the class. She then related a biblical lesson from this secular book explaining how it is our bent to often sin and...
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