April 24, 2017

10 Day countdown to Uganda!Edited with BlogPad Pro

December 5, 2016

Today was our last full day in Cabo, and it also was a free day after 5 days of PS78Teacher work.   We were blessed with a trip north to a town called Todo Santos, a short walk on a Pacific beach, lunch at a roadside restaurant, and finished up the day with a...

December 4, 2016

It is always a joy to worship with the family of God in other countries!   Dale was blessed and humbled to preach at this morning’s service on Philippians 3:1-11.  There are several fishermen in this church, all are related – cousins, fathers,...

December 3, 2016

Today was a long day of teaching for the Carla-Dale-Ellen team.   This was the Foundations class that Carla begins with in her teacher training workshops and Dale led a devotional on Psalm 78.  Ellen is the translator and always does an exceptional job!...