Jun 7, 2019
Today is our last full day in Uganda, and the last day of the Inter-term. The students turned in their reflection questions and presented their units so they can be graded and receive credit for the course. They were given the first 30 minutes of class to put their...
Jun 6, 2019
Today Dale wrapped up the Shepherding and gave an assignment to assess what the students have learned. They have to turn it in tomorrow. Next, Carla put the students to work on their project to create a unit showing what they have learned and understood from her...
Jun 5, 2019
It’s kind of a chilly day as we begin our third day of Inter-term. We all were able to make it to the 15 min chapel service at 8 :00 am! Chapel is held for 15 minutes every morning throughout the school year and Inter-term where they sing and have a short devotional....
Jun 4, 2019
Second day of the Inter-term course. We had a shaky start to the day because the instructors both had a bad night with not feeling well. However, despite feeling out of sorts, both Carla and Dale are teaching well! Need to applaud their perseverance. The students seem...
Jun 3, 2019
Today is Martyr’s Day in Uganda (https://publicholidays.ug/martyrs-day/ ) . Schools are closed over most of the country, but it is the first day of the Interterm course Carla and Dale are teaching. This morning was left open for registration and this afternoon we were...
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