It’s kind of a chilly day as we begin our third day of Inter-term. We all were able to make it to the 15 min chapel service at 8 :00 am! Chapel is held for 15 minutes every morning throughout the school year and Inter-term where they sing and have a short devotional. Different men lead it each day – remember Bert and Dale led last Monday and Tuesday. This morning was a gentleman from Atlanta who is on the board of ABU and who led the short service.

Class also got started on time this morning with Dale continuing the Shepherding materials regarding getting to the heart of behavior. He teaches for 40 – 50 minutes before Carla takes over for the rest of the morning.

Today the Director of the Education Department, Charles M., is sitting in on the class. He is the gentleman sitting in a dark suit at the back of the class.

We stopped for lunch across the road at a cafe named Marie’s and headed home to rest.