May 29, 2019
Yesterday (28th) morning Dale was the chapel speaker at ABU. He used as his text Psalm 1, and I’m told did well. I stayed home to do the necessary – laundry. The rest of the day was spent with Carla and Quentin in meeting as a team to discuss future plans with...
May 27, 2019
While those back home are celebrating Memorial Day, we were going in several different directions. Dale went to ABU with Bert and Nancy to attend the daily chapel service for the students. Bert was the speaker this morning. Tomorrow Dale will be the speaker. On the...
May 26, 2019
This morning we woke up again to pouring rain! Dale and I were scheduled to leave at 7:00 am for the 30 minute trip to Entebbe Presbyterian Church where he was preaching at the 7:30 and 10:45 services. A long story, but because of the rain, Sam our driver was not able...
May 25, 2019
Today is an all-day Shepherding a Child’s Heart, taught by Dale to the Homeschooling Uganda (HUGS) group of about 40 to 45 parents. There are also a lot of children here today! As we went around the room introducing ourselves, several parents have 3 – 4...
May 25, 2019
Quentin traveled two hours north of Kampala with our colleague Eric (of M.I.E.) to minister at New Hope Kasana. New Hope is a ministry to orphans that was started in the 1980’s after prolonged period of political upheaval and war in Uganda. The founder Jay...
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