We have had a long day holding workshops at two different schools that were about 70 km apart.  That means we spent our lunch hour and a half in the van traveling to the village of Wobulenzie.

First thing we went to Transform Educational Center in Kasangati – a secondary school of about 100 where 50 of the students board.


We met in an open air auditorium and had a very pleasant breeze. Tomorrow we will do a second set of workshops at this same school.

Th second school was in Wobulenzi.  It is a 6 year old elementary and preschool that is enjoying a new facility.  Clearing the land for construction started in January 2016 (the land was jungle) and they occupied the new building in April.  

Group photo from our afternoon workshop in Wobulenzie

Tomorrow, two more workshops in two different schools, checking out of the Tick Hotel and spending the next two nights at New Hope Uganda.