Yesterday was a day of rest after our first three busy days. We went to church at Iglesia Presbiteriana Maranatha. The sermon was on I Cor. 2:1-11, and preached by their Pastor emeritus. It is always a blessing for us to worship with other brothers and sisters in Christ in places far from home. After church, we went to Ellen’s for a taco lunch and a great time of fellowship with, Lulu, a friend we met on our last visit. The day was over before we knew it.
Today we spent most of the day at Ellen’s office working with her on translating policy materials that may be of use to New Horizon School. We discussed options for long-term planning for the school. We are grateful to have this opportunity to share what we have gleaned over our years of working in Christian education with those who are working to help the school to prosper. Praying that God will bless this school in the future!
More of our experience in pictures:

Ellen giving an announcement about next weekend’s parent training.

Some young teens presenting special music in the church service.

A cruise ship pulled into town last night

Noticing a great reduction in traffic compared to our last visit.

Sunset reflected in the Eastern sky.