Today the temperature outside is supposed to be in the high 90’s, but we realize those back home are also experiencing very warm weather, so we won’t complain.
The teachers started the day singing this song, which is a good reminder of the precious hope we have whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.
I love hearing these teacher’s voices singing these old gospel hymns, and even though they are being sung in French, I’m thankful that the English words are in my memory bank. Last night we had the mid-week church service, which was well attended, with Esaie preaching a series on holiness. This is the “hymnal” someone loaned us during the congregational singing so we could sing along. Being able to pronounce the words correctly is another story.
The training is going well. The teachers did a lot of group work yesterday.
And lots of good questions are being asked.

Taylor, the administrator at the Christian Academe of Docine