A beautiful, but hot Sunday morning in Acapulco, We attended church at Maranatha and there also was a pot-luck lunch after the worship service.
A gentleman who attended the ‘Peacemaker’ conference told Dale he had read the book before and brought it to church today for Dale to sign. No, not as the author, but as an honor.
Something the school board was looking forward to during our visit was presenting Dale with a copy of New Horizon Christian School’s new Policies & Procedures Manual. On our last visit two years ago, Dale had encouraged the board to write one so that the school would have guidelines for hiring and firing, running the school, etc. The model that Dale gave them to follow was one created by the school board at a Trinity Christian School in Pittsburgh, PA, so a big ‘Thank you!’ goes to their labors. Below is the NH school board president, Ellen Barnett, presenting a copy to Dale.
This afternoon we will be packing up for our trip back to the States tomorrow. We have had a busy, tiring, but very enjoyable and productive 11 days, climbed a lot of stairs, eaten many tacos and tostadas.
I think the total is 7 five-gallon (42 lbs) water bottles Dale has carried from the OXXO store down the block and up those stairs. Hopefully we have enough drinking water to see us through the next 18 hours.