Our second day of training at Divine Schools.

It started out as a rainy day, but by mid morning the sun came out, and it was very warm in the classroom. Lunch time was a refreshing break – we sat under a large mango tree with the school’s director and enjoyed the breeze and the meal of stewed chicken, cooked cabbage, posho, matooke, and sweet potato.

A group of children, who belong to some of the teachers in the training, are just hanging out, taking care of themselves. They oldest is 8 years, the youngest 2. They were ‘playing school’ under the mango tree this morning and wrote letters to Dale and I. I was so impressed with their spelling, grammar and penmanship.

We have enjoyed our two days with the teachers at Divine School. They were very attentive, very responsive, diligent in working on their projects, hospitable, enthusiastic, appreciative.

Now for the ride to the Williams, across Kampala, through rush hour traffic – will most likely take twice as long as it did this morning! Looking for a chance to rest a bit after a very busy week! Appreciate everyone’s prayers! It was busy and exhausting, but we have been blessed!