Today was a sleep-in and laundry day for me, but Dale had to be up and ready to get on the road again by 7:15. It started out as a rainy dreary day, but turned into a pleasant sunny day with a mild breeze.

Dale traveled with Bert and John Lutaaga to Kayunga for the last training on the subject of ‘small group discipleship’ through the Shalom Network for Church Health. This particular training has gone on for the past six months, meeting the third Saturday of each month. Dale was given the opportunity to share about the parish group model that we use at our church back home. The training is regularly attended by 25 – 30 pastors and church leaders from different churches in the Kayunga area.

This was an exciting blessing for Dale to see the impact that Shalom has had on these pastors and church leaders. Shalom has been working in this area for the last 2 1/2 years and has held trainings in basic church health.

Set Free Church, Kayunga
Bert & John

Tonight we will have dinner at the Williams’ and belatedly celebrate Nancy’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Nancy!