Jun 4, 2019
Second day of the Inter-term course. We had a shaky start to the day because the instructors both had a bad night with not feeling well. However, despite feeling out of sorts, both Carla and Dale are teaching well! Need to applaud their perseverance. The students seem...
Jun 3, 2019
Today is Martyr’s Day in Uganda (https://publicholidays.ug/martyrs-day/ ) . Schools are closed over most of the country, but it is the first day of the Interterm course Carla and Dale are teaching. This morning was left open for registration and this afternoon we were...
Jun 2, 2019
Last night, after we left the Shepherding seminar at Entebbe Presbyterian, we headed over to Godfrey and Olga’s for dinner. Godfrey grilled chicken for us and Olga made some delicious side dishes. We enjoyed the short time we were able to spend with these dear...
Jun 1, 2019
Last night we were invited Jerry and Karen Knight’s home on the ABU campus for dinner. They have served at ABU since 2009. The other facilitators for next week’s Inter-term Courses were also invited for the meal. We had a delicious meal of sweet & sour meatballs...
May 30, 2019
We had to say goodbye to Quentin today. He is now on his way back to the U.S. Bert & Nancy and Dale and I picked him and Carla up at ABU just before noon. On the way to the airport Bert took a shortcut to the Entebbe Road bypass and we were able to take a team...
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